If I Knew Then What I Know Now!

If I Knew Then What I Know Now!

I am having a hard time explaining what I mean by “If I Knew Then What I Know Now” really means to me.  I am a blessed man for many reasons.  Married to the same wonderful woman for 42 years who gave me 3 good boys and a great marriage.  I have grandson and Daughter In Law that I truly love and my 2nd grandchild will arrive next month.  The first girl in our family and like I said, blessed.

But like most of us as Entrepreneurs we often sacrifice time with our family because the needs of the business comes first.  We are the only ones that can properly run the business, handle the problems and manage the day to day fires in the business.  In hindsight I have many regrets about putting my work in front of the needs of my family.  Sure, I was at all the sporting events, home on the weekends and making a better living than my father did for my family but I cannot say that may family was the priority.  I could rationalize that taking care of my family meant working extra hours to better provide for them but in hindsight this was a mistake.  In reflection my relationship with Christ also was not what it needed to be.

In my case if took a life event for me to realize how far removed I was from truly being a present for my family as a Father, Husband and Christian.  If I knew that I would lose a son at the age of 28 I would have made different decisions.  I was fortunate enough to baptize my son into Christ and I know I will see him again.  Again, Hindsight is much clearer.

Today, my family and the relationships with my family are most important to me.  I work with my boys in businesses that we started to allow them to make their families the priority in their lives.  No decisions about what comes first as the family will always come first as well as grow my faith in God.

Love your family, praise God in all circumstances and do not miss the chance to tell you loved ones that you Love them.  You will never get that opportunity back.


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