have been working for over 40 years and during most of my career I have been very hesitant to talk about my religious beliefs with team members, Peers and Superiors. It felt like opening up about my beliefs was not the right thing to do, a personal choice on my part to follow Christ but may impede my ability to be successful in my career. I would hope that those I worked with saw Christ in my actions, but I did not talk about it. As I look back, I have been very fortunate to be involved in many aspects of businesses that offered challenges but also rewards. My wife and I have worked hard and as we are closer to retirement I tend to reflect on mistakes along the way. Like many professionals the balance has been very difficult…Faith, Family and Work in that order. I really struggled with this and often had the sequence wrong with my job being the priority. I have many regrets but maybe this biggest regret was not honoring the expectation that in my role I could have influenced others to follow Christ. I have missed many opportunities along way. The last 10 years of my career I was more transparent about my beliefs and accepted the larger role of saving souls.
As we come out of the Pandemic the question is, has any of it changed how we should behave as business owners? Is it business as usual or is there a higher calling? What does success mean? Is it exploiting clients and employees to improve margins and generate additional income for the owner? At one time I probably would have said yes to all of these questions. That is Capitalism in the US! I believe if there was ever a time to allow Christ to lead our lives and each of us to be Servant Leaders it is today. Success is not measured in Net Income but how you embrace your community, help those that cannot help themselves and lead by example as a Christian. As business leaders we have a unique opportunity to impact the communities we call home. You will be shocked with the feeling that comes from helping someone, a family, a local business. I can assure you, the feeling of satisfaction you will get by helping others and saving souls is something you cannot get by filling your pockets with something you cannot take with you when you are called home.