Are lean solutions a one size fits all approach?

Are lean solutions a one size fits all approach?

When implementing lean strategies, some may say that it is a one size fits all approach. In some cases, we believe this to be true. However, in most cases, we believe that each organization has distinct opportunities that only allow certain applications.

Some organizations fit the one size fits all model. Many do not. It might be hard to determine which would work in your organization. Many things can impact what solutions work best within certain organizations. Sometimes it is a trial-and-error approach to identify the best solutions. Yet this goes against what lean tries to prevent, waste. Organizations need to have goals in mind or a clear vision of their future state.  If this has not been created yet, we can assist with identifying and creating your goals and vision. Through the future state exercise, we can understand where the organization wants to go and therefore, we can create a plan to get you there.

If a lean practitioner insists that their solutions are one size fits all, it could be mean there is an oversight on their end. They may not understand the goals of your organization and might need to be reevaluated to determine if they align with the vision for future state. The implementor must be careful of what systems are executed to make the changes sustainable and long term for the organization.