How Did the Pandemic of 2020 and 2021 Effect You?

How Did the Pandemic of 2020 and 2021 Effect You?

Today was a big day in Michigan where my wife and I call home. The Governor has lifted all restrictions related to the Covid-19 Pandemic that we all have been living through for the last 15 months.  As I reflect it was very difficult for several reasons but also made me appreciate many things, I have taken for granted.

The Good – I have been fortunate to spend most of the last 15 months with my grandson.  My wife and I are caregivers for Mikey 5 days a week and to be able to see him every day has helped my wife and I deal with the difficulties of the pandemic.  I have a different appreciation for my family.  We were fortunate and my family was not infected by Covid 19, and we all have been vaccinated with the exception of Mikey.  We are getting braver about getting out and I must say I missed eating in a restaurant.  My relationship with God has changed as well.  I am stronger for the pandemic as my faith in God has grown over the last 15 months.  I have missed the fulfillment of being at Church each Sunday.  While we have worshipped virtually each Sunday it is not the same.

The Bad – Many families were financially affected by pandemic.  Many lost their jobs, consumed their savings, and relied on the help from agencies to provide food and assistance.  With that said the impact to suicide rates decreased by 6%.  The stress has been overwhelming for many, cannot imagine going through this alone.  I cannot imagine the heartbreak of losing a loved one and not being able to be with them as they pass.  The grief is difficult as it is but to have a loved one die alone would be very difficult to overcome.

The Ugly – The terrible impact to families that lost loved ones breaks my heart.  The US death count is approaching 602,000 and globally 3,875,000.  By comparison, the Spanish Flu death rate is estimated between 24.7 to 39.3 million.

At a time that we have many reasons to be unhappy or upset I have found that prayer has helped me along the way.  God is there for you and always will be.