Lean Sustainability

When creating lean initiatives within your organization, it is imperative to have sustainability attached to those initiatives. If not, the project is a waste. The question remains, how to create that sustainability within your own projects?

When creating a lean project, we believe you must institute a training routine within your project. We like to start with training to give everyone involved an idea of what the change might look like. This can convert even the harshest critics and get them to be willing participants. Your training can show the benefits of the project, allow for an open dialogue, and provide an explanation on how it will help the business and the individuals.

Secondly, you must develop a timeline for completion of the project. This could take the form of a Gantt Chart, for example. Allow your team to provide input in the creation of the timeline, so they feel motivated to complete the project according to the timeline. The timeline should break down the plan into attainable bites for the team. Timelines also help to make the extensive list of requirements appear not so daunting for the team.

A group approach to the timeline will contribute to the success of the third piece of the puzzle, accountability. Accountability is crucial for not only project success, but also for future success inside your organization. Someone within the organization must take responsibility for the project now and into the future. That person must also be able to hold the team accountable for the actions that contribute to the success of the project or redirect negative actions that could be hindering success.

These are just a few key steps to make a lean project successful. If these steps are not implemented, the project may be bound to fail.