Personal Growth

Personal Growth

Personal and professional growth is a constantly evolving cycle.  To watch someone grow and learn is inspiring.  For example, my son is constantly taking in his environment and learning how the world works.  I have been evolving as well, all be it in a different way.  However, the model for growth is the same.

It starts with a belief which includes a mindset change and a motivation for growth.  I felt stuck in a rut for lack of a better term. To break the chains, I had to plan and set goals.  Those goals needed actionable items to follow for me to stay on the right path. After an extended period, results came.  To get those results was not easy and took a lot of hard work. It took a series of feedback from peers that was not always easy to swallow. Finally, after the feedback I had to reevaluate my strategies to make sure they were in line with my goals.

The process was tough to say the least.  Though, when results are achieved it is so rewarding and fulfilling.  When others see growth and accomplishments it feels spectacular to hear peers recognize hard work.  My son is also continuing to learn and grow, and for me, to see him succeeding is as rewarding for me as it is for him.

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